black circle die, peoney spell binder die shape,checked borders.
red card & red card candy
hi thought i'd never get back to blogging ,since the begining of december what a nightmare of a month that was i won't go into to much details but the jiff of it was hubby very ill with flu & chest infection, fragile mum partly sighted fell & broke her arm and 4 fingers having to be in hospital a week she had to have a metal plate & srews fitted to her bones , 18 months ago she fell and had her hip & leg repaired with metal plates & screws. christmas & new year just went bye without much celebrations. glad january arrived,but then i had to plan my dabble day for my craft shop.close the shop over christmas & new year to have it refurbished sort of. so crafting has really taken a back seat, but i have found a little time to write this blog & hopefully et back in to some sort of normal routine (if only!!!!!!!!! )